Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker

Track Geolocation: Day before yesterday while answering to some of our viewers, around 20% of them asked us about Location Tracking using Kali L. So we thought of making a tutorial in this very interesting topic. In this tutorial, we are going to show you How to Track Geographical location of any device using its Mac Address in Kali.

Access Point MAC Address Geo Location Tracking. Internal MITM Engine. Bruteforce Attacks (HTTP,HTTPS,TELNET,FTP). Using Fern in Kali Linux. Fern WiFi cracker comes pre-installed with Kali Linux latest full version. We can run it from the Kali Linux application menu Wireless Attacks fern wifi cracker. Open Applications kali linux wireless Tools 802.11 Wireless Tools Fern-wifi-crecker Open Fern-Wifi-Cracker Select the ToolBox Option Then select the Geolocatry Locator Now enter your MAC-address that you want to trace and click on the Trace Option.

How To Track Geolocation Of Any Device Using Kali Linux

Now you must be thinking; What is a Mac Address?? MAC stands for Media Access Control, is a unique address of each hardware device. It’s a 48-bit address. Starting 24-bit is assigned by IEEE and last 24-bit is assigned by Manufacturers. Basically, to do this we are using Fern Wifi Cracker. Do tell us your queries in the comment box and we will get back to you ASAP.

Things You Need??

1. PC/Laptop(with Kali Linux Installed)
2. Victim’s mac Address
3. Little Bit Patience

Step 1: Click on the Application Tab that is Located in the upper left of the Desktop

Step 2: After that click on Wireless Attack and then Choose Fern Wifi Cracker.

Step 3: Hope you have successfully Launched “Fern Wifi Cracker”, after that click on “Tool Box”.

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Step 4: Now Click on “Geolocatry Locator” and then Write the mac address in the box and Click on “Track”.

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Fern is a tool to discover weaknesses in a network. It uses aircrack-ng behind the scenes to achieve this. The best feature of Fern is its excellent GUI written in Python-Qt4. For those who don’t want to get into the cmdline options of complex tools like aircrack-ng, Fern is Godsent.

Note that Fern is intended for testing and strengthening your own network, it is not meant to penetrate others’ networks.


  • WEP Cracking with Fragmentation,Chop-Chop, Caffe-Latte, Hirte, ARP Request Replay or WPS attack
  • WPA/WPA2 Cracking with Dictionary or WPS based attacks
  • Automatic saving of key in database on successful crack
  • Automatic Access Point Attack System
  • Session Hijacking (Passive and Ethernet Modes)
  • Access Point MAC Address Geo Location Tracking
  • Internal MITM Engine
  • Bruteforce Attacks (HTTP,HTTPS,TELNET,FTP)
  • Update Support (restart required to apply update)


To install Fern Wifi Cracker on Ubuntu, first install the dependencies:

Download the Fern Open Source version. Then run:

Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Download


Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Real-time

The Fern installer adds a start menu icon. If you can’t find it, run: