Open Protel Pcb File

To export the PCB files into Protel, select Tools > CAM Wizard.
On the following menu, select Next.

Protel Autotrax - low cost PCB CAD. Autotrax is a freeware PCB CAD package written by Protel in the early 1990's (See image, right). Autotrax is capable of producing 6-8 layer boards (see image below) and reasonably fine geometries. The file format is simple - which has resulted in many engineers open. How to Open PCB File Types with Altium Designer’s PCB Viewer Check out the Altium Designer PCB viewer free download-It’s the best option for accessing PCB layouts in the EDA file format. The viewer takes all formats within the output files, the container for schematics, layouts, and manufacturing files. Protel Pcb Viewer Software Source Viewer v.1 Source Viewer is a php coded web page allowing you to display the html and php source code of files on your server directly in a browser. P-CAD is a CAD (Computer Aided Design) program for Printed Circuit Board design. The P-CAD 2006 freeware viewer is for viewing PCB files. It works with P-CAD Schematic and PCB file versions from PCAD 2000 to PCAD 2006. The program can also open ACCEL EDA V15 Schematic and PCB files. Using the demo version of Altium Designer (Protel DXP) you can read in.PCB files and later export them as 'PCB FILE 6 VERSION 2.80'. The Protel converter in TARGET 3001! Can convert those files. This is a screenshot of the Protel 'Save As'-dialog (using a German Windows).

On the following menu, select Generate Gerber files.
You can then name your Gerber files accordingly.
On the following menu, select Next.
On the following menu, select Inches (default) for the units. Depending on the requirements of your design, you will need to select the appropriate format (Bittele supports the highest resolution, so you may select 2.5). Click Next.
On the following menu, select all of the options under “Plot”. Be sure to keep all of the options under “Mirror” unselected, as this avoids the potential of your board layer being produced upside down.
On the following menu, leave the default boxes checked and select Next.
WindowsOn the following menu, select Characters and leave the rest of the options as their default value.
For the remaining three menus, select Next > Next > Finish.
The Gerber files have now been created (except for the drill files)
To generate the drill files, right-click in the space and select “Insert NC Drill…”
On the following menu, select units as “Inches” (default) and again change the format to 2.5. Keep the optimize change location commands checked and check “Suppress trailing zeroes”. Click OK.
The Gerber files and drill files have now been created. To export them, right-click and select “Generate CAM files”.
A “CAM for (file name)” folder will be created in your catalogue.
Right-click on the created folder and choose “export”. Select where you’d like to export your files.
Once completed, you will find your generated Gerber and drill files in that folder.

Protel Software

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